NWT Rental Office

The Rental Office is a convenient and accessible place for landlords and tenants to obtain information regarding their rights and obligations.Many landlord-tenant problems are solved simply by providing landlords and tenants with information concerning their respective rights and responsibilities.

Many tenants and a surprising number of landlords are unaware of the legislation that governs their relationship or the tenancy agreement that forms the contract between them. The provision of information is probably the single most important function of the office, often serving to eliminate conflict and problems before they start.

The rental officer is also available to make presentations or participate in forums with tenants, property managers or others involved in residential tenancy matters. These services are provided free of charge in the belief that informed and knowledgeable landlords and tenants are more likely to respect the rights and obligations of each other and less likely to end up in a conflict situation.

Documents and Forms

The rental Interest rate schedule for 2020 remains unchanged from the previous rate